More GREAT advice from Nikki.... she's the one who does the 60 mile walks! MY HERO! Thought her information was worth posting so I can refer back to it! Thanks Nikki--hope to join you one day.
Have you bought proper socks? I know for walking they recommended Thorlos – and they helped tremendously. I also bought shoes ½ bigger than my regular size – to allow for the thick socks & also swelling on your feet.
Lubricate!! They recommend all sorts of sticks & gels, but I used an anti-biotic gel like Neosporin…but a gel. I smothered it on sore parts of my feet each day before we walked & it worked. The days that I forgot I got some really sore parts.
Hydrate – water is good but Gatorade is better as it replaces what you lose thru sweat. You need electrolytes – I don’t like regular Gatorade as it is too sugary, but found that the G2 Grape flavor went down well & worked. Keeping hydrated prevents blisters (did you know that’s why you get them?). The days that I forgot my G2 I’d take water and you could bet your life I’d get a blister on one of my toes that had sore parts!
So, prepare your feet, wear the right socks & shoes & hydrate!