All the so-called "secrets of success" will not work unless you do. Author Unknown

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good tips from a friend

More GREAT advice from Nikki.... she's the one who does the 60 mile walks!  MY HERO!  Thought her information was worth posting so I can refer back to it!    Thanks Nikki--hope to join you one day.

Have you bought proper socks? I know for walking they recommended Thorlos – and they helped tremendously. I also bought shoes ½ bigger than my regular size – to allow for the thick socks & also swelling on your feet.

Lubricate!! They recommend all sorts of sticks & gels, but I used an anti-biotic gel like Neosporin…but a gel. I smothered it on sore parts of my feet each day before we walked & it worked. The days that I forgot I got some really sore parts.

Hydrate – water is good but Gatorade is better as it replaces what you lose thru sweat. You need electrolytes – I don’t like regular Gatorade as it is too sugary, but found that the G2 Grape flavor went down well & worked. Keeping hydrated prevents blisters (did you know that’s why you get them?). The days that I forgot my G2 I’d take water and you could bet your life I’d get a blister on one of my toes that had sore parts!

So, prepare your feet, wear the right socks & shoes & hydrate!



A Day In The Garden

All SMILES before the race!

Sweet Victory!

Another day... another race.  Up and out the door at 6am and ready for yet another run ....this time at Meade Gardens in Winter Park.  There was a group of us this time... and it was fun.  Good friends, good times, and a good race.  Life is GOOD and I am blessed.  I'm still trying to get the hang of all this and the downhill roads were my favorite but still found myself gasping for air.  lol   I just kept going thanks to the little voice next to me saying "I know you can do this... keep going, just a bit further, and left..... right...left .... right!  Thanks Sharon, you were a great race partner!  I'll try to keep up with you.... and I hope I don't pass out trying!  I remember how totally out of breath I was when I hit the finish line and my favorite thought was "it was OVER"   I am gonna keep at this and one day I can look back on these blogs and remember all these good times.  I am learning to stop and smell the roses and I'm having a lof of fun.