And, more importantly...
I always think when I’m running…and feeling tired or as if I can’t go on…that I had better just continue as there are some people out there that don’t have the health to run or walk for that matter. I’m healthy and I can do this. I also am amazed at what the human body can endure when you give it time to train. It’s amazing the things you can do if you just keep doing little by little and give your body time to “learn” what it can do. Don’t get me wrong…you can lose the stamina and endurance very easily…I probably would have a tough time doing 13 miles right now since b/c of the darkness and cold we’ve had to cut back our running schedule somewhat but at least I know I can do it and with less training to get back into it. Anyway, I sound like a cheesy health spokesperson but it’s the truth! All my best wishes for your training…wish I were there to help you through it but I’m sure Katy is good to have around for that. J
Way to go on the running and on the blog! I'm a newish runner myself and participated in my first two 5ks this past year. The best running advice anyone ever gave me: when you get a side cramp, time your breathing so that you're exhaling when the foot that's on the same side as the cramp hits the ground. I don't know how this works, but it does for me! And if you have a dog, I suggest running with it. It's great motivation and good exercise for your pet.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someday Bean and I will make it down to your city and we can all meet up. That would be fun!
Elisabeth (Katy's cousin's fiance) :)